Fresh delivery

How we eat impacts how we feel.

Natural unprocessed food is key to unlock your energetic powers while preventing any potential future deficiencies: Shop precious ingredients freshly sourced for you; On top of your orders, received valuable knowledges as PDF attached files regarding our seasonal & Exotic food benefits, to help you master your diet. Reap the reward of a nutrient dense food and get familiar with the exceptional healing properties of real food.

Delivery every Tuesday*

* See How it works page for more details.


Flaxseeds (linseeds), 1kg
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Pumpkin seeds 1kg
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Pecans in shell - 1kg
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Cashew 1kg
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Pistachios Fresh (PINK) 1 KG
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from £4.50
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Shallot thai red 1kg
from £9.50
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from £2.40
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from £4.80
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